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WHAT IS AN XLTRADE ACCELERATED TRADING ACCOUNT?An XLTRADE Accelerated Trading Account is a Live Trading Account where you receive additional trading capital provided by XLTRADE atop of your deposit by factor 20 (XL20). EXAMPLE: If you make a deposit of $ 5 000, XLTRADE tops up your account with $ 95 000 that gives you a Live Account of$ 100 000 for your trading.
WHAT MEANS 'ACCELERATED CAPITAL'?Accelerated capital is the Account Top-up (Bonus) that XLTRADE adds to your deposit.
WHAT IS THE MINIMUM ACCOUNT SIZE?The minimum Account Size is $ 500 (deposit). XLTRADE tops up your deposit with $ 9 500 that giving you a total of $ 10 000 for your trading. You may increase your potential by exploiting the x500 leverage.
WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM ACCOUNT SIZE?The maximum Account Size is $ 20 000 (deposit). XLTRADE tops up your account with $ 380 000 that giving you a total of $ 400 000 for your trading. You may increase your potential by exploiting the x500 leverage.
CAN I GET AN ACCOUNT HIGHER THAN $ 20 000 ($ 400 000)?Yes, that’s possible. You can do that on request. Request a higher account level.
WHAT IS MY PROFIT SHARE?Your profit participation on an Accelerated Account is 100%.
HOW CAN YOU MAKE MONEY IF YOU PAY 100% OF THE PROFITS TO TRADERS?As most of our traders are highly profitable, we replicate trades from traders' accounts into our large company accounts. This allows us to pay 100% of profits to our traders.
WHEN CAN I WITHDRAW MY PROFITS?You can request a profit withdrawal periodically every thirty (30) calendar days starting from the date you have commenced trading.
WHEN CAN I WITHDRAW MY DEPOSIT?You can withdraw your deposit periodically on a daily basis from the date the initial Lock-up Period has ended.
HOW QUICK DOES XLTRADE EXECUTE MY PROFIT PAYOUT REQUEST?XLTRADE executes your payout request immediately on any business day. The speed of the payout depends on the parties involved (banks, payment providers).
HOW LONG CAN I MAINTAIN MY TRADING ACCOUNT?There are no limits on XLTRADE Accelerated Accounts. You can maintain your account/s virtually forever.
IS MY PROFIT POTENTIAL LIMITED WITH XLTRADE?No, there aren’t any profit limits on an XLTRADE Accelerated Account.
DO I GET 100% OF THE PROFITS FROM MY TRADING ON AN ACCELERATED ACCOUNT?Yes, you get 100% of the profits you generate from your trading.
WHEN DO I START TO GENERATE PROFITS FROM MY TRADING?If you trade profitably, you generate unlimited profits from the date you commence trading on the Accelerated Account.
WHAT IF I WANT TO INCREASE MY DEPOSIT?At any time you can increase your deposit (minimum $ 1,000). In the event of an increase, you will receive the Account Top-up by factor 20 (X20).
CAN I GET AN ISLAMIC AMA ACCOUNT?Yes, you can get an AMA Islamic Account on request. Contact us for an Islamic AMA Account.
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